A Ana, d` A Marmita Lisboeta lançou um desafio a que eu não podia faltar: pede uma receita rápida que funcione na marmita.
Como marmiteira que sou comecei logo a discorrer em marmitas fáceis e rápidas de preparar. Quis a feliz coincidência que nessa altura eu trouxesse uma marmita muito rara nos meus almoços: uma sanduiche, que eu adorei e pensei: porque não esta? Fácil, pode ser servida a quente ou a frio, conforme o gosto e a disponibilidade do local de trabalho de cada um. Pode ser uma refeição só por si ou enriquecida com os acompanhamentos.
É verdade que as sanduiches são raras na minha marmita, mas apenas para evitar ingerir mais pão, o meu vicio alimentar preferido. Se não fosse isso, estariam certamente mais vezes presentes nas minhas marmitas de tão versáteis que pode ser.
1 pão de girassol
1 ovo escalfado com a gema bem cozida
Rúcula q.b.
4 rodelas de tomate
1 fatia de queijo a gosto
Escalfe o ovo em água a ferver com um pouco de vinagre. Pode ser uma tarefa ingrata, mas se vai usar o ovo na sanduiche o sucesso é garantido.
Retire o ovo da água com a ajuda de uma escumadeira e seque-o em papel de cozinha.
Corte o tomate em rodelas, retire as sementes e deixe repousar as rodelas sobre duas folhas de papel de cozinha para largarem qualquer água que tenham e, assim, manter a sanduiche seca.
Abra o pão a meio e comece por colocar numa das metades folhas de rúcula a gosto, 2 rodelas de tomate, o ovo, a fatia de queijo, mais 2 rodelas de tomate e folhas de rúcula e termine com a restante metade do pão.
- Se o pão for muito pesado retire parte do miolo, ou então corte-o em 3 fatias, utilizado as pontas para a sanduiche e reserve a fatia do meio para o lanche.
- Deixe escalfar durante uns 8 a 10 minutos para ter a certeza que a gema vai cozer bem. Não se esqueça que só vai comer o ovo no dia seguinte, que provavelmente vai sujeitar a marmita a diferenças de temperatura durante o transporte e não queremos ficar em casa com um ataque de salmonelas.
- Se puder acompanhe com uma sopa de legumes ou uma salada. Incrementa, assim, a ingestão de vegetais e torna mais equilibrada a refeição.
In English:
Ana, from the blog "A Marmita Lisboeta" launched a challenge that I could not miss: asks for a quick recipe that works for the lunchbox.
As a "luncbox fan" that I am, I immediately started discoursing on meals easy and quick to prepare. It was a happy coincidence that this time I brought one very rare meal in my lunch: A sandwich, which I loved and thought: why not this? Easy, can be served hot or cold, according to taste and availability of workplace of each one. It can be a meal in itself or enriched with accompaniments.
It is true that the sandwiches are rare in my lunchbox, but only to avoid eating more bread, my favorite food addiction. Without it, they would certainly be present more often in my lunchbox so versatile it can be.
1 loaf of sunflower
1 poached egg with the yolk well cooked
Arugula to taste
4 slices of tomato
1 slice of cheese to taste
Poach the egg in boiling water with a little vinegar. It can be a thankless task, but to use the egg in the sandwich the success is guaranteed.
Remove the egg from the water with the help of a slotted spoon and dry it on kitchen paper.
Cut the tomatoes into slices, remove the seeds and soak the slices on two sheets of kitchen paper to deploy any water they have and thus keep the sandwich dry.
Open the bread in half and start by putting in one half arugula leaves to taste, 2 tomato slices, the egg, a slice of cheese, plus 2 slices of tomato and leaves of arugula and finish with the remaining half of bread.
- If the bread is too heavy remove part of the kernel, or cut it into 3 slices, using to the sandwich the ends and use the midle slice to a snack.
- Let the egg poach for about 8-10 minutes to make sure the yolk will cook well. Do not forget that you will only eat the egg the next day, it will likely be subject to a pot temperature differences during transport and do not want to stay home with a bout of salmonella.
- If you can accompany it with a vegetable soup or a salad. Increments the amount of vegetables to your meal and makes it a more balanced meal.
In English:
Ana, from the blog "A Marmita Lisboeta" launched a challenge that I could not miss: asks for a quick recipe that works for the lunchbox.
As a "luncbox fan" that I am, I immediately started discoursing on meals easy and quick to prepare. It was a happy coincidence that this time I brought one very rare meal in my lunch: A sandwich, which I loved and thought: why not this? Easy, can be served hot or cold, according to taste and availability of workplace of each one. It can be a meal in itself or enriched with accompaniments.
It is true that the sandwiches are rare in my lunchbox, but only to avoid eating more bread, my favorite food addiction. Without it, they would certainly be present more often in my lunchbox so versatile it can be.
1 loaf of sunflower
1 poached egg with the yolk well cooked
Arugula to taste
4 slices of tomato
1 slice of cheese to taste
Poach the egg in boiling water with a little vinegar. It can be a thankless task, but to use the egg in the sandwich the success is guaranteed.
Remove the egg from the water with the help of a slotted spoon and dry it on kitchen paper.
Cut the tomatoes into slices, remove the seeds and soak the slices on two sheets of kitchen paper to deploy any water they have and thus keep the sandwich dry.
Open the bread in half and start by putting in one half arugula leaves to taste, 2 tomato slices, the egg, a slice of cheese, plus 2 slices of tomato and leaves of arugula and finish with the remaining half of bread.
- If the bread is too heavy remove part of the kernel, or cut it into 3 slices, using to the sandwich the ends and use the midle slice to a snack.
- Let the egg poach for about 8-10 minutes to make sure the yolk will cook well. Do not forget that you will only eat the egg the next day, it will likely be subject to a pot temperature differences during transport and do not want to stay home with a bout of salmonella.
- If you can accompany it with a vegetable soup or a salad. Increments the amount of vegetables to your meal and makes it a more balanced meal.
6 comentários:
Excelente sugestão, boa sorte!
E que rica comidinha de marmita!!!!
Que delicia de sanduiche,gostei muito
Obrigada, Carla, é sempre uma opção! Não me importava de ter uma prensa no trabalho...
Tem tudo bom aspecto mas fiquei encantada coma sanduiche.
Pois, quando temos a oportunidade de ter apetrechos para aquecer a comida é óptimo.
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